Old Portfolio Site Flash

This is my old portfolio I made in Flash in 2010.

This site was created as a showcase of my current and previous work and as a demonstration of my ability to use Flash data services effectively.

It’s a dynamic Flash site that is updated using a database to store it’s information. The site is connected to a mySQL server, using Flash Remoting, the ZendAMF Framework, and PHP. This eliminates the need for creating XML as the data transfer method, which speeds up the process.

I authored this site by using Flash CS4 and Flash Develop as my editor. To create the class files I used objected orientation methods and used MCV as my design pattern metaphor. I designed the site using Adobe Photoshop CS4, and then re-created the elements inside the Flash IDE.

Old site can be still found here . It still contains all my old web jobs that didn’t make the cut on the current portfolio.


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